RIP stands for Raster Image Processor. A RIP program is similar to the print driver included with your printer, but with much more control (and features). A RIP is designed to handle many files, file types, and file sizes without limiting your print capabilities. A RIP efficiently processes your files faster and more consistently, resulting in faster print times and less waiting. Have you ever tried to run a large image where the file size was more than 300MB? Normally its not possible to print 500 big size prints (18"x22") from CorelDraw or PhotoShop directly, if you try to print system will hang or stop working. Through the standard print driver, this can be cumbersome and time consuming. With a dedicated program designed to process large files, this task becomes much easier and allows you to work on other projects while your image is processing. You will also have the capability of processing and printing multiple files with different sizes simultaneously. A RIP also will store all of your processed data (the files that you’ve printed), making reprints a breeze. Most RIP programs include ICC profiling capabilities, so no additional software is needed to create your own custom ICC profiles you’ll still need a professional person to do this work for you,
if you need Custom ICC Profilling
Our Range of Rip Software for you, plz order according to your need
EPSON Large Format Printers auth. Channel partner for Photo, CAD, Sublimation, Studio Lab and specialisation in Color Management, ICC Profilling and Professional RIP Softwares.